Thomas' hair was getting long and unwieldy. He, in fact, started asking to get his hair "cut-off". We resisted the temptation to shave his head (like Tico boys his age), and took him to the barber for a normal trim. The barber (Juan) did a great job, however, he gave Thomas distinctively George McFly style when he was finished...
In this picture, Thomas is saying, "You let them do this to my hair?" Yet, never fear, Claire came to his rescue. As with most things that are neat and orderly, she wanted to fix it for him.

This time, Thomas said "thank you" for her help...

I seriously didn't know you had a blog! I am so happy to be able to keep up with y'all in this stalker-esque way:) Bless y'all this holiday season and your in our prayers!
Cute babies!
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