Friday, August 10, 2007

It's hard to get pictures of...

...Thomas! Looking through our pictures to add to the blog, I've realized that pictures of Claire outnumber shots of Thomas by about 5 to 1. At first I thought maybe we had been neglecting our eldest, but then I figured it out. Thomas can run, and stays in motion for most of the day! Don't get me wrong, Claire is a highly mobile crawler, yet even so, she's much easier to capture with the camera.

Alas, we will keep trying with Thomas. Most of what we have is blurred, or of the back of his head. I think this is the best we have over the last few weeks:

Eventually, Thomas does slow down. Usually he will stop for a Thomas the Tank Engine or Hillsong United DVD. He will sit and rest until he is ready to go again.

So, sorry Thomas. I hope you don't look back our pictures over this year and think we had forgotten you!

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