Monday, December 22, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008
More Dancing from Claire
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Claire is better
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pray for Claire
Our little girl has been sick, off and on, for a month. This week she had an ear infection, congestion, a cough, and an on-going fever. Her ears are better, but she still has the fever. Pray for her complete healing, so she can enjoy this week with Ali's family.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Year of Changes

Sunday, October 5, 2008
"I Always..."
I don’t know about general rules that I live my life by but I do have some “I always…” statements. Hope you enjoy this rare glimpse into my strange life. Ali
I always look at my children sleeping before I go to bed.
I always subconsciously cross my big toe on both feet over the toe next to it and slightly wiggle them off and on with rhyme but without reason when I’m sitting down.
I always laugh at commercials where people either fall down, get hit in the head with something, or both. It gets me every time.
I always count while I pee…it’s true. I’ve done it since childhood. I cannot explain. (okay, I might have to delete this one…tmi.)
When eating in a restaurant, after factoring in being left handed and being able to sit next to Claire so she can eat off of my plate, I always sit in the seat where I will be least likely shot in the back. I am a strategist.
I always save the best bite for last. Always- whether it is a bite of cake with the most icing, dorito with the most cheese, or part of the pancake with the most syrup and butter on it.
I always get internally irritated when someone takes a bite off my plate and they choose what I had deemed from the beginning the best bite. I just don’t know where to go from that point especially since I always eat the second to the best bite first.
I always have the ability and desire within me to sleep for fourteen hours a day- but I rarely get the chance- which is probably good.
I always feel better no matter what happens when Kyle tells me “Everything is going to be okay” whether or not it really is going to be.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Project
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
General Rules
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Claire is Two!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Normal Saturday
In other domestic news, two weeks ago, the power went out in half of our house. Our landlord and an electrician (well, two electricians) came on Saturday to check it out. The first guy inspected the wiring, inside and out, but couldn't find the problem. Later in the afternoon, the owner returned with another electrician. He pulled off the meter and found this:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Home Again / Top Ten
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Back in the States
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dancing Kids
The Internet
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Random News and Quotes
Friday, March 28, 2008
Home Again, Home Again
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
In the States
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Ali’s parents were here for the week of Christmas. We all had a great time, especially the kids. They loved having the grandparents around. They also loved all of their gifts (thank you family!). It was sad to see them go, but hopefully they can come back.
The season has changed here and it is now officially verano (a.k.a. summer). During this transition we had a week of high winds. The wind battered our house and metal roof throughout the day and night (particularly at night), causing some minor damage. After a few days wind and sporadic power outages, the power went out for good on Thursday around 3:00 pm. At our house, no electricity means no cooking and no hot showers and no coffee! On Friday morning, no power. Friday at lunch, no power. After 24 hours, Ali called a taxi and took the kids to a hotel in the city. I came home from the project and was about to leave to join the family downtown, when I heard a shout of joy from a neighbor’s house… the lights were back! We stayed at the hotel anyway, though. I considered it an early birthday present.
My birthday came and went quietly last week. I am 33. At least two people commented that now I am the same age of Jesus… when he died! Thanks. However, it did make me think of how Jesus lived his life…fully surrendered to the Father and abiding in his love. Even though I don’t really know what this looks like (or were it will take us), I want to live this way.
Well, that is enough for now. Next time, if you are lucky, I’ll share some Thomas /potty-training stories.
Nos vemos pronto.