Cousin Graham was in town earlier this month with his parents, Steven and Allison, and sister Georgia. This marked the beginning of the celebration of Claire's first birthday. We shared meals at the Bailey house (Mimi and Papa Bailey), and had Claire's first cake on Saturday night. Graham is four and LOVES to play baseball (a.k.a. Wiffle Ball) outside with the men. I think he could play non-stop for hours. Luckily for the adults, the severe heat gave us a good excuse to cut the games short! He also plays great with Thomas and Thomas thoroughly enjoys himself when Graham is in town.
As I mentioned, it was Claire's birthday last week. We had cake before her birthday with the Steven Baileys and April (sister), Shannon (brother in law) and Daniel (nephew). As she does with any other food, Claire devoured her cake.

She also had her first experience with spaghetti on the same night, which was a bit more messy...

In other news... we are busily packing up our things, preparing to leave for Costa Rica in October. We have boxed up and given away many things, but there is still much left. We have even found a few wedding presents,
still in the box, that it may be time to part with.
Please join us in prayer that God would continue to prepare our hearts and prepare the way before us in Costa Rica.